Solving Problems, Inspiring Others: A Day in the Life of a Young Female Technician

As a young first year apprentice there are many challenges when starting out, from finding your feet in your new work environment to juggling practical experience with technical training. Add to that being the only female in a heavily male dominated field and you start to gain a true appreciation for the commitment, passion, and drive behind the career choice of Sienna Maccondruin who is on her way to becoming a qualified heavy vehicle electrician with CEA’s Perth branch.
“Having started out as a school-based trainee I got a great insight into the business and the opportunities for apprentices within CEA’, said Sienna “ When I first signed on plenty of people around me questioned my decision suggesting it would be too hard, I learnt quickly that if I was going to succeed I’d not only need a positive attitude but have to shut down the external comments, remember how much I’ve already achieved and stay focussed on my goals”.
Sienna’s journey, though met with initial scepticism from peers, is one of resilience and determination. Overcoming negative stereotypes, Sienna has found inspiration in the online community following several female trades on TikTok and other social platforms, “they share their day-to-day experiences, tips and a unique perspective which I find really relatable’, said Sienna.
Sienna’s meticulous attention to detail, care for the equipment she is handling and her nature to complete tasks thoroughly has quickly seen her become a highly valued member of the CEA team.
When asked what advice Sienna would give to any other young females considering a trade? Sienna says “Just go for it! You don’t know what you don’t know, and we all have to start somewhere. Its honestly hard to believe how far I have come and how many skills I have learnt in such a short period. I’m excited for where I’ll be once I finish my apprenticeship”, said Sienna.
A draw card to the industry and the CEA business for Sienna was the opportunity to work with skilled tradespeople that are willing to share knowledge and tips from their years of experience “I’m so grateful for the opportunity to work with and learn from the team at CEA. One of my biggest mentors has been Andy, a qualified Class A electrician, his guidance and practical experience has been invaluable’, added Sienna “Growing up, my learning style has always been kinaesthetic, so I’ve been better at taking on information through doing, this meant careers with a heavy classroom and text focus have never appealed to me, while a hands on trade has been the ideal way to learn”, Sienna added.
Fortunately for Sienna she also had the strong support of her careers advisor to help when deciding on her next stapes after high school, “Ms Tyson, played a huge role in helping me find a career path that suited me, I remember randomly saying in class one day maybe I’ll be a mechanic, from there the seed was planted and I was fortunate to have the support and guidance I needed to not only take the next steps but now be in a job I love, at a company that really respects my contribution”.
Beyond sharing her experiences, Sienna actively seeks to support and inspire others. Whether this is speaking in front of her peers, or sharing her story with other females interested in learning a trade Sienna not only loves what she does but is proud to be a role model for other young women hopefully breaking down the barriers and stigma attached to trade based roles where it’s not only a viable career option for women, but a welcoming and thriving space for them too.
Like to know more about an apprenticeship with CEA? Reach out to our HR Team today-